Editors: Gian Luigi Canata, Pieter D'Hooghe, Kenneth J. Hunt, Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, Umile Giuseppe Longo Springer Cham, 2022. This volume offers a comprehensive guide to the prevention, management of injury, risk factor mitigation, and rehabilitation in track and field athletes. It serves as a valuable resource for the sports medicine community, including surgeons,…
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Informazioni su: Dr. Gian Luigi Canata
Messaggi recenti: Dr. Gian Luigi Canata
Epidemiology of Injuries in Sports
Editors: Gian Luigi Canata, Henrique Jones Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 2022 This concise yet comprehensive book covers epidemiology of injuries in 24 different sports ranging from football, volleyball, athletics, to less explored ones, like archery and Formula 1. For each discipline the authors present and analyze the sport’s main characteristics, physiological and biomechanical demands on athletes,…
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The Running Athlete – A Comprehensive Overview of Running in Different Sports
Editors: Gian Luigi Canata, Henrique Jones, Werner Krutsch, Patricia Thoreux, Alberto Vascellari Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 2022 This book explores running in a broad range of sport disciplines providing a full spectrum coverage on this extremely important and commonly diffused activity. The volume opens with basic information, such as biomechanics, physiology, training principles, nutrition and then…
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Sports Injuries of the Foot and Ankle – A Focus on Advanced Surgical Techniques
Sports Injuries of the Foot and Ankle - A Focus on Advanced Surgical Techniques Editors: Gian Luigi Canata, Pieter d'Hooghe, Kenneth J. Hunt, Gino Kerhoffs, Umile G. Longo Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2019 This book explores in a comprehensive manner the best current treatment options for sports injuries of the foot and ankle. Particular attention is…
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8th EFOST International Congress – Torino 2015
L’8 Congresso Internazionale EFOST che si è svolto a Torino il 27-28 Novembre 2015 ha offerto la straordinaria opportunità di condividere, discutere e apprendere gli ultimi sviluppi in ortopedia e traumatologia sportiva attraverso dibattiti, simposi, presentazioni libere e workshop. La Faculty ha visto la partecipazione di professionisti e specialisti nel campo della traumatologia sportiva e…
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Masterclass SIGASCOT – Torino 2014
Masterclass SIGASCOT: Management delle lesioni muscolari e tendinee dell’arto inferiore. Recupero e ritorno all’attività sportiva ed agonistica. Patrocinata dalla Società Italiana di Ortopedia e Traumatologia (SIOT ), la Master Class SIGASCOT che si è tenuta a Torino il 7 Novembre 2014, ha visto la partecipazione dei migliori esperti italiani nel campo dell’ortopedia e traumatologia sportiva.…
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Muscle and Tendon Injuries – Evaluation and Management
Editors: Gian Luigi Canata, Pieter d'Hooghe, Kenneth J. Hunt. AAVV. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2017. This book explores in a comprehensive manner the causes and symptoms of muscle and tendon pathologies, the available diagnostic procedures, and current treatment approaches. Specific aspects of the anatomy, biomechanics, and function of muscles and tendons are analyzed, and detailed guidance…
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EFOST Surgical Techniques in Sports Medicine – Foot and Ankle Surgery
Editori: Canata, G.L., Parker L. AAVV JP Med. Publishers; 2015 EFOST Surgical Techniques in Sports Medicine is a book series written by highly experienced orthopaedic and sports trauma surgeons which provides authoritative, step-by-step guidance on how to perform key surgical procedures in a specific anatomical region. Foot and Ankle Surgery specifically focuses on surgical techniques…
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Cartilage Lesions of the Ankle
Editori: Canata, G.L., van Dijk, C. N. AAVV. Springer ED., 2015 This booklet, published in cooperation with ISAKOS, is a concise, up-to-date guide and reference on the treatment of cartilage lesions of the ankle that will be of practical clinical value for specialists in sports medicine and sports traumatology. Different techniques and the management of…
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Il tendine e il muscolo
Editori: Canata G.L., Peretti G.M. AAVV. SIGASCOT - CIC Ed. Internazionali, 2014. La monografia è suddivisa in due parti, la prima dedicata alla scienza di base e ricerca traslazionale, e la seconda al management delle lesioni muscolo – tendinee. Nella prima sezione viene condotta una analisi anatomica, biomeccanica e funzionale del tendine e del muscolo…
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Recenti commenti Dr. Gian Luigi Canata
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